Workshop Overview
We appreciate your time and your generous volunteer services. To ensure the program’s success we require a commitment on the part of each docent to be at the workshop on time (by 9 am at the latest) and assist with set up and clean up at the workshop. We also ask that you respectfully attend to the artist presentation and hold yourselves to the same standards as we ask of the children and please no talking during the artist presentation. Out respect for the artist, please do not wear earbuds. Docent volunteers need to actively listen to and participate in the workshop lesson. Brunch is time to catch up and bond with docent friends. Once the artist begins, please be respectfully silent.
7:45 am Basic cafeteria prep - tablecloths, signs...
8:15 - 9:00 am Supply pick up
Brunch set-up
School Chairs/Docents set up supplies
9:00 am Brunch is served
School Chair meeting (if required)
9:15 am Announcements & introductions
9:25 am Artist presentation begins
11:00 am Finish Project
11:15 am Everyone helps to clean up
Sorry, but children are not allowed at workshops.
As our program expands, space in the workshop is very limited: only one docent per classroom can attend. Please do not invite any guests to the workshop. Only docents who have signed the Docent Responsibility Contract can attend the workshop. We ask that you do not bring your children to the workshops.
Parking - All church lots are available to us, so there should be no issues with parking. Carpooling is green! Street parking is not allowed directly across the school on Knob Hill - it is permit parking only and clearly signed. There is no parking allowed in the teacher lot adjacent to the cafeteria entrance at any time.
Location: All workshops are held in the Alta Vista Elementary cafeteria - 815 Knob Hill Ave (between Prospect and Julia). Entrance to the workshop is the door on the west side of the cafeteria in the teacher parking lot.