South Bay Hands on Art also offers our Reaching Out program to bring art education to under-served schools and community centers in the Los Angeles area. Through Reaching Out, our docents and volunteers are able to give elementary students a fun introduction to art and hopefully spark a lifelong passion.
Gorey's Guest
by Sandi Arthur
Description: The project, Gorey’s Guest, is inspired by the work of Artist and Author Edward Gorey.
PowerPoint (This file must be downloaded to use it. You may also choose to use the PDF instead)
Teaching Schedule
Jefferson Elementary
10322 Condon Ave, Inglewood, CA 90304 (park on the street along Condon)
Office Phone: (310) 680-5650
You will need to sign in and they will run your drivers license. The time on the schedule is when we are meant to be in the classroom - so leave time to park, pick up supplies, walk to the class (not super close) etc. NEW! We go to the parent room "G" to pick up our supplies, then bring them back and refill. (Just ask in the office where room "H" is.) The school was rebuilt so the old school is near the office. All of the new school is to the North (left) as you leave the office.